Educated Guesswork

I'm Eric Rescorla.

Until recently, CTO Firefox, now just another guy on the Internet.

I've contributed extensively to many of the core security protocols used in the Internet. Some stuff I've done includes: editor of TLS 1.3, which secures the vast majority of Web traffic; co-founder of Let’s Encrypt, a free and automated certificate authority that now issues around three million certificates a day; a bunch of work on WebRTC, which allows anyone to videoconference directly from their browser (used in WebEx, Teams, Meet, etc.). Most recently, I've been working on the development of technologies for privacy preserving measurement and privacy preserving advertising.

Most of the material here will be about tech, tech policy, the intersection of tech and society, tech, science fiction, running, or running tech.

You can reach me at [email protected] or on Twitter at @ekr____.

External links: GitHub, IETF, Twitter, UltraSignup,